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roof cleaning services in Lauderdale Lakes and Cooper City.

Homeowners do a lot of things to keep their homes look clean and fresh. They do things like mowing the lawn, shoveling the walkway, power washing the deck, repainting, and more. Roof cleaning is something many homeowners forget to perform. Your roof and gutter might not be that important as an aesthetic factor when it comes to keeping your home clean and sleek. This doesn’t mean that it is not important to keep it clean. It is one of the most important areas of the home to maintain. We know that not everyone is a roofing expert. Here are 4 things about the importance of roof cleaning services.

Preventing ice dam formation: Ice dams forms at the edge of your roof during the winter. It can form as a result of not cleaning the snow after a snowball or after a storm. When the snow melts and runs off the roof, it can freeze on the edge of the roof by forming a large wall of ice which is known as an ice dam. It disturbs the natural flow of water draining off the roof. Ice dams can cause serious damage to your roof and your home. It can lead to leaks, shingle and roof damage, gutter damage, and more. Cleaning the roof and clearing off the snow regularly can prevent the formation of ice dams.

Prevent roof algae and moss: The roof over your head always protects you and your family from the weather. It is exposed to things like dirt, water, leaves, and plants that come onto the roof at some point. Rain and snow can often make your roof look clean but the truth is dirt, moss, lichen, and algae still exist all over the roof. Just because they appear to be invisible doesn’t mean that they aren’t a problem for you and your home. They can cause the aesthetic problem and make your roof look stained and blotchy. It can decrease your roof’s lifespan as well. Take help from Service Queen to hire roof cleaning services in Lauderdale Lakes and Cooper City.

Shingle damage: Avoiding cleaning the roof can lead to shingle damage. Shingle damage can lead to more serious problems with your roof such as mold growth, water damage to the roof, fungal growth, and decreased energy efficiency. Shingle damage in the winter is more damaging. By cleaning your roof regularly by a professional, you can reduce the chance of shingle damage. Come to Service Queen to get top-quality roof cleaning services in Lauderdale Lakes and Cooper City. Visit our website to get more information about our company. Call us on (833)737-8336 to get more details.